If people think that as science
helped the Socio-economical Development of the Planet Earth,
for being the ‛daughter’ of Roma (<Lat. scientia,
“knowledge, science”, from the latin verb scire, “to
know”), therefore belongs to pagans, hence does this biblical
questioning of Proverbs 30:3-4 about the science
of the Holy One or of the holy ones or of the holy
things? “I have neither learned wisdom, nor have I knowledge
of the Holy One” [NIV]. Who has gone up to heaven and
come down? Who has gathered up the wind in the hollow of his hands? Who has
wrapped up the waters in his cloak? Who has established all the ends of the
earth? What is his name, and the name of his son? Tell me if you know!” Could Cadoshology
(<hebr. (kādôsh) קָדוֹשׁ, “holy”, and from gr. λογία (logia), “science”)
not be this very science of the Holy One announced
in the Old Testament (<hebr. (bedahath kedshîm) קְדשׁיִם וְדַעַת, “science of
the Holy One or of the holy ones or of the holy things”; and from lat.
sanctum scientiam, “science of the Holy One”,
[Vulgata]; from gr. γνω̃̃σιν ‛αγίων (g-nôsin haguiôn), “knowledge
or science of the Holy One”, [Septuaginta], etc.) ?
and Cadoshology, general theories of the Sin and the Holiness,
proceed through a Systemic Approach, that is to say, give a new
universalizable definition of the Sin & Holiness
making use of the Infinite Sets Theory. The Set and
sub-sets are determined and defined
in advance in the meanwhile some elements are still neither
known nor named. The day when their manifestations
are visible or when they’re detected not by
visibility of manifestation, but rather by principle of
existence, they will see that they’re already typed (typology)
from categories that are the sub-sets which guiding
principles are already pre-established. The Great Set
itself, the Sin for example is known and defined in
advance; one of its sub-sets, Plummediatoduumnicity
for example, one of the guiding principles of the Sin too is
equally done in advance; but only an element of the Great Set
is ill-known or unknown, a sin or few sin(s) for example.
Besides, they’ll be called atypical
only if they exist nowhere under none of any sub-set, that is
to say, nowhere under no pre-established guiding principles.
It is at that moment that science creates, possibly, a new category
of the object in question to type (typology) them.
Catholics themselves who have only one head (the Pope)
upon Earth have sub-groups within (the Franciscans,
Jesuits, Lazarists, Dominicans, etc.) all the more reason Protestants
and Evangelical ones who no more have only one,
wouldn’t they be secondarily more diversified in the shadow
than their primarily external or visible diversity?
Consequently, both of the primary and secondary diversity
of nature that is the distinctive quality of the Protestants
and Evangelical ones will have as logical outcome, diversity
of approaches as far as the fundamental issue of Holiness and
Sin is concerned. Each of us has tendency to be holy
or even to understand the Sin in his own way, so narrow-minded
it may be.
At the stage we reach, let’s
walk together, says the Bible; and even this other well-known passage:
"(...) until we all reach unity in the faith and
in the knowledge of the son of God (...)", Ep. 4:13.
The bet of unity of the
faith can be won only re-considering this notion of Holiness
and Sin in question in a new approach said
Systemic Approach.
In fact, the Systemic Approach
that re-defines Holiness and/or Sin while
replacing them in a new context of complex system
as a science called the Systemics, complex systems technique,
will have advantage over the Evangelical Churches’ plurally
and past diversified approaches. To do it so, the notion
of system itself needs to be clarified
The system (<gr. συστημα (sustêma), “assembly,
collection of objects”, from συν (sun), “with,
together”, and from στέμμα, (stemma),
“crown, garland, wreath”) is literally talking,
the assembly or the gathering of both many crowns or wreathes singly made up of
circle of leaves and giving finally rise to a more complex whole, full of
branches and leaves.
Scientifically, a system
is a set possessing a structure forming an organic whole (organic, in the
framework of the organization of a set).
The system of laws of Holiness
and Sin that the General Theory of Holiness
(Cadoshology) and Sin (Peccatology) is an
arborescent (<Lat. arborescentis, “that the shape
reminds people of the one of a tree”, from arbor,“tree”,
from the latin verb arborescere, “to become a
tree”, inchoative of arbustare, “planting
of tree”) system because the object mentioned
in this biblical verse related to knowledge of Good
and Evil is quite the tree: "(...) but
you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good
and evil, (...)", Gen. 2:17
The knowledge of Good
and Evil is cadoshological and
peccatological arborescence, a multi-complex system of laws established
by the founding-father of postmodern
Cadosho-Peccatology, instrument of solid gathering to better coordinate
generally the whole body of Christ, and to
better control [master] particularly the object-Sin,
that the Bible talks about in these terms: "From him [Christ]
the whole body, joined and held
together by every supporting ligament grows and builds
itself up in love, as each part does its work",
Ep. 4:16; and, "(...) sin is crouching at
your door; it desires to have you, but you must master
it.", Gen. 4:7b.
He who talks of building a scientific theory
talks of finding fix guiding principles and unchangeable
laws (automatic repetition). Thus your servant has found
new means or new tools to help you
master as easier as possible the most dangerous or serious entity that
got Satan, in front of whom you tremble, fall down.
The Sin is more dangerous than Satan, the
Prince of demons, you fear.
This article does not say that new
creatural laws of Holiness or new human dogmas of
Holiness have been erected to go and impose them upon God’s
images you are.
It says that the first meaning
of law related to an imperative rule prior to the
facts that it rules, expressing an ideal, a norm,
an ethics is quite the Law of the laws: the Bible;
and that the second meaning of law
related to a general formula, a posteriori established, by the
study of the facts that it is the law, I mean, a formula
stating a correlation of physical phenomena and/or spiritual
cryptonomena and verified [testified] by experiment,
is in its turn, that is called scientific laws (sciences,
biblical or not like Cadoshology, Peccatology,
et al).
The major advantage of these last-mentioned
laws is within their connection to applications and previsions
(retrodiction, diction and prediction)
that they are able to bring as innovative
contributions to the Work of God that most of the
body of Christ did formerly with archaic tools
before this postmodern period.
I must agree with the writer of this
article. If science can help in people to know seriousness of sin I am
all for it. We spend on or fund so many other scientific projects
that people deem necessary. But I believe that "sin" is a very
real entity which causes people to not be able to live the abundant life here
on earth. But it can cause them to miss out on eternal life which can
only begotten through living a life of holiness through Jesus Christ.
If science helps
promote salvation then there should be contributions to fund it.
email: nkjeannot@yahoo.fr, nkjeannot@gmail.com
Rev Dr J. N’GORAN, Dir. of Research Centre on Holiness and Sin.
Promoter of new biblical sciences: Peccatology and Cadoshology.
Peccatology (< Latin, peccatum, "sin"): science of the Sin study.
Cadoshology (< Hebrew, kadôsh, "holy"): science of the Holiness study